
Guidelines for authors

If you are only registered as a READER, you must edit your profile and update the option as AUTHOR.


Submissions are accepted in Spanish and English.

Contributions must be original or unpublished, that is, they must not have been published in any other journal.

Shipments will be made through this platform in Word (doc) format, with 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman 12. Please DO NOT SEND in Word DOCX format

The document must be numbered, with respect to its lines continuously.

The platform guides the author, first the so-called "Complete File" is loaded, but without the authors' data in order to guarantee anonymous peer evaluation. Subsequently, it requests the data of the authors, Abstract and References, entering them as metadata.

The file that is uploaded must have the following characteristics, according to the type of collaboration:

REVIEW ARTICLES will be received EXCLUSIVELY BY A prior INVITATION from the magazine.


The "Complete File" that will be uploaded to the platform must contain:
1) Home page
2) Summary
3) Summary in English (Abstract)
4) Text  
5) References

Tables, Figures and Figure Legends will be sent as separate files to through the platform.

DO NOT INCLUDE AUTHORS 'DATA in the "Complete File" that will be uploaded to the platform in order to ensure anonymous peer review.

The authors' data will be uploaded through the platform in the Metadata section.

You must include the Type of Article (original, revision, etc.), Title, Short title (up to 40 characters), Word count and Declaration of Conflict of Interest

The Declaration of Conflict of Interest on the home page will be in free format , denying any conflict of interest or informing in detail about it.
It is recommended to review the articles published at:

Original articles should have the following sections: Introduction, Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusion. 
There will be no sections in the review articles.

They will have a maximum limit of 300 words.

You must include up to six keywords. Preferably use the Descriptors in Health Sciences (DeCS). Available at


Same sections as the Spanish version.
Include up to six "Keywords" ??. Preferably use terms from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Available at

4) TEXT 

The maximum length of the main text, excluding the initial page, abstracts, references, tables, figures and figure legends should not exceed 5,000 words.

Original Articles must have: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion.

Review Articles should include an Introduction, the body of the manuscript (do not write “Body of the Manuscript” as a subtitle) and a Conclusions section.

Ethical Considerations should be included in Material and Methods (Original Articles) or in Methods (Review Articles). 

Tables and Figures must be referenced in the text.

The article should address the social relevance of work and its benefit to human development.

Please, do not add any kind of pages in the article. Avoid using headers, footers, and page notes.

Tables, Figures and Figure Legends must be sent separately through the platform.


According to the PubMed style of the National Library of Medicine (NLM). That is, in order of appearance, the citations of a bibliographic reference will be assigned numbers in the text and included in parentheses (1) in the text. A list of references should be included at the end of the article / essay. The NLM format is available at:


They will consist of the following parts: Introduction, Clinical Case and Discussion. They should not exceed 1,500 words, and up to 2 Tables and Figures and no more than 20 references can be added.

The article should address the social relevance of work and its benefit to human development.


Communications should be written in the following order: Title, 200-word Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion in a body of text without a title. They must have a maximum of 20 references and a maximum of 3 figures and / or tables. Authors must limit the text to a maximum of 2,000 words.

The article should address the social relevance of work and its benefit to human development.


They should not exceed 1,000 words, and up to 6 references and 1 Table or Figure can be added.


PAGE CHARGES: The journal does not charge fees for submitting or processing articles.

ABBREVIATIONS: Internationally recognized standard abbreviations should be included. Abbreviations that do not meet this condition must be placed in parentheses immediately after the phrase that defines them for the first time.


Tables, Figures and Figure Legends must be sent as separate files through the platform.

Tables must be ordered with Arabic numerals sequentially. Each Table must have its title. The explanatory notes will be indicated at the bottom of the tables, as well as the abbreviations used. Use the following symbols in this order: *, ,, §, ||, ¶, **, â € â €, â € ¡â € ¡. They can be sent in Word, JPG or PNG format and should not be linked to external sources such as Excel, SPSS or similar files.

Figures must be sent in separate files, in JPG or PNG format with 150 dpi, must be numbered in order of appearance in the text and with Arabic numerals. Images with people must be in such a way that they cannot be identified; otherwise, written authorization from the person in the photograph is required for publication. Microscopic Photo Figures should include numerical scales. When a Figure has already been published previously, the original source must refer and send the corresponding written consent from the publisher that published it for the first time.

The captions of the figures should be below; table headings should appear at the top.

The Legends of Figures should be written in single space and with Arabic numbers that correspond to the figures.

Privacy statement

The names and email addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes stated in it and will not be provided to third parties or for use for other purposes.

The Privacy Notice of the Autonomous University of Yucatán can be found at